Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Vital Sign Machines: NextGen Integration

At the most recent EHR Committee, we reviewed  the vital sign machine usage and decided that it is working well. We have a new Vitals Station where Sandy Martin's office used to be.

The Executive Committee approved the purchase of two additional vital signs machines awhile ago. At the EHR meeting we gave Michele the go ahead to get these other machines.

We hope to place another Vitals Station in the back hallway area in OMN. The SHO office staff & administration will decide where the SHO station should be located.

There still are some issues with calculating the BMI directly on the machines and I understand that the staff has to re-enter the weight to get the BMI to calculate. We have been assured that this problem is fixed with the next upgrade.

We are still in the discussion phase of whether or not having a dedicated vital signs staff member is the optimal solution. Having one person doing the vitals would allow the result to flow into the computer & not be hand entered. If each of the staff were to do their own vitals, they would have to log on & off of the system each time to allow the vitals to flow thru the interface. Having one person doing all vitals allows them to stay signed in for their entire shift. Some of the staff feel that having one staff person doing vitals breaks up their work flow & they prefer to hand enter the results. Stay tuned as we work this out.


  1. We should think about making our new vital signs room cheerful for our families! Any decorating suggestions from the staff are most welcome!
    Jackie Pleet

  2. Jackie,

    Thank you for your comment.
    I completely agree with it.
    Who do you think we can assign to tackle this project?
    Adair has some ideas about how to mount the computer and a changing table for babies. She may be a good go-to person.

  3. We're having a SHO mtg with supervisors on 3/7- I will bring this up...Peg


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