Friday, February 28, 2014

Continuity of Care Documents

Part of MU2 says that we need to come up with a CCR or CCD (Continuity of Care Record/Document) to send with patients if their care moves to another provider/setting. See earlier post.

When we upgrade our EHR this should be available to us, as long as our EHR is 2014 ONC certified.

Currently our EHR has a document called Pediatric Emergency Information
(it show as peds_special_needs_emerg_info)

click to enlarge

You can find this in the full document section & drag it into the Pediatric chart on the left for future easy access. If you generate this note at the end of a visit, it pulls a number of things that are supposed to be part of a CCR such as: Name, DOB, Address, Phone number, PCP, Allergies, Meds, Vitals, Immunizations, Chronic Conditions, Current PE.

While this is not everything recommended for a CCR or CCD it is certainly a step toward it.

I will work with Annette to include other fields such as: Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Preferred Language, Subspecialists and the most recent Asses/Plan.

Note: On the demographics page there is a spot to list subspecialists. This maybe a good place to add specialists for complex patients. I think Annette could easily pull this list into the Pediatric Emergency Information document. We will keep you posted.

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