Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New Test Result Document

Annette has created for us a test result form that is located in the document folder.

If you click on HPA_TestResults you will see this form:

You are able to put an X on the test ordered & make comments. You can then print it out & put in the box to be mailed out. It will show up on the right navigation bar that you printed it. I also record in Provider Test Action(PTA) that I have seen the result & sent a letter.

We could set up a protocol that we send these to a staff member to call the normal results to the family, or we can ask staff to do this right from PTA if you prefer. Please let me know if you would like me to set up a protocol for staff to call normal test results.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Another Way to Find Last WCC

I have found another way to see the last WCC. If you look at your inbox you will see a little cog in the left upper corner. Highlight the name of the patient you wish to search & then click the cog icon.

If you click on the cog you will see a menu. Click on Edit...

This will open the Patient Appointment Box

You can see the last WCC appointment from here, as well as the PCP & all other appointments. The columns can be dragged over so they line up as you like.

Monday, April 28, 2014

How to Find the Last WCC

Dave G. has asked that we all check for the last WCC whenever a patient touches the practice. The supervisors will work with the staff to make sure they are checking. I wanted to make sure I showed all of you how to quickly check.

When I open my computer in the morning I always open both EHR & EPM. Having both open allows me to quickly flip back & forth between both of them. The EPM side shows me who the PCP is & when the last WCC was in a very easy format.

in EPM click on Appointments

You can see last WCC and PCP easily from here

In the EHR, you can also look in the right hand navigation bar under Categories, you will see a Category of WCC if the patient was seen since our upgrade in September 2013.

Click WCC to open the last visit
Annette has also added lots of links on other templates like the Provider Test Action and Telephone Template.

Click on View Scheduled Visits opens a box that shows last WCC

Annette has also added a box on to the top of the SOAP Note with last WCC noted. Unfortunately because of how our billing office processes each WCC this box is not always accurate. We will work on this process once we have upgraded.

Click to enlarge

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Help Us Improve Quick Visit WCC

Quick Visit WCC

Scott Cochrane & Patti have very kindly agreed to look at all the Quick Visit WCCs and update them as needed. Patti, Scott Lemme & I built them a few months ago for all of us to try. We have been using them now for a bit & I am sure we have all found things that we think can be improved.

If you have suggestion on any of the WCC visits, please let Patti or Scott know. They will collect all of your thoughts and then get the updates cleared by the group. Once we have decided, as a group, how we want each visit to look, they will be rebuilt.

Please help with this important project.

Today Peggy suggested that the Teen PE defaults to "no scoliosis" on the exam. I have passed this great suggestion on to Scott & Patti. This is exactly what we need. Thank you Peggy!

Patient Plan

Dave Norton gave Annette a lot of good feedback on the Patient Plan.  Based on that she was able to make a lot of modifications. Now it looks more streamlined! There are some things we can not fix because of Meaningful Use. Unfortunately because instructions were added to the My Plan orders section there is no way to not have them repeat under orders & then instructions. Nextgen strongly advised against deleting one of these ( orders or instructions) from the Patient Plan. I will continue to work on this.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pictures on Demographic Bar!

Adair, Annette & myself are working on adding pictures of our patients to the demographic bar. This is wonderful, not just because it is cute, but because it meets HIPPA standards of insuring that patients are who they say they are (not really an issue for us) and also because it decreases medical ordering errors. When you can see the patients picture and the patient at the same time, you know you are in the correct chart.

There are 2 ways to enter a picture. For older kids with picture IDs, the ID can be scanned at the front desk. For younger kids, we are taking their picture with a digital camera & uploading them into the chart the next day. Both methods are easy.

We are asking parents, or older patients, to give verbal consent. I document this by clicking on a saved phrase saying I obtained verbal consent. The consent is then added to the patient plan for that visit. We plan to update photos at yearly PEs. We are thinking of doing babies (under 1 year of age) with their moms.

Here is how it looks.

We are planning to start rolling this out to other providers soon. Stay tuned.

Friday, April 18, 2014

HPA Lab Results Form

Today Annette developed an HPA lab result form so you can send your patients their results if you wish to. This form can be found in Documents, in the pediatric folder, labeled as HPA -Lab results.

This form pulls the patient name, DOB, address.
It also adds your name to the end.
You can type on this, or you can just print it out and write on it.
Once complete you can put it in the outbox to be mailed.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Plans - En Español

Per your requests, I have modified two My Plans so now you can print out instructions in Spanish.
If you look at the Otitis Media or the Viral Syndrome Plan you will see that the instructions alternate between an English phrase with the equivalent Spanish phrase just under it.

Please note that instead of 11 English instructions, we now have 5 instructions - each in English & Spanish. These instructions also print on the Encounter Note, therefore if you are giving instructions in Spanish you should also include the English translation so the note is complete.

click on to enlarge

If you like this concept, please let me know and we can translate more plans.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Schedule Follow up appointments in My Plan

The Check Out staff have mentioned to me that it is really helpful if we put when we want patients to follow up in the plan so they can see it. This is very easily done through My Plan.

In the lower right hand corner of My Plan (Follow-up visit/referral Section)
you will find a blue arrow next to : He will be scheduled for follow up today.

If you click on that it opens a schedule follow up box

Check follow up checkbox.
Pick your provider, reason for follow up and timeframe.
Click OK
It will take you back to My Plan. Place Order, save and close.
Then this information will display in Check Out and the staff will be able to schedule the appointment.

This is how it will display in Check Out

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Medication Module SIG Builder Tool 5.8

The 5.8 upgrade brings some enhancements for building the SIGs for medications.

In the picture below you can see that there are "spinners" or arrows to change the number of tablets, as well as times of day given.

Click to enlarge

If you want to do more complete editing, click on the SIG and this builder will appear.
There are drop down menus. You can also Show or Hide different attributes (route/duration/interval)

Click to enlarge


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Update on 5-8, 8-3 post ICD-10 Apocalypse

The Senate in it's great wisdom has given us another year to get to ICD-10. I am sure that date is as firm as the last one.

We will still go ahead with the planned upgrade to get to MU2. However, we have decided to change our timeline to something that feels more manageable, since we do not have the 10/1/14 date hanging over us.

The new timeline is Go-Live 5-8 May 19th. The Go-Live date for 8-3 has been pushed back from June 9th to August 19th.

We have meetings set up weekly with Kathy or other trainers for myself, the billing staff &/or a group of Staff trainers (Elsie, Adair, Michelle Sleeper & Brooke). We will keep you posted as we move forward.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

ICD-10 Fiasco & Metric System Flashback

Please enjoy this YouTube video - Deirdre Flint The Metric System

Do you see any similarities between the metric conversion and IDC-10?