Quick Visit WCC
Scott Cochrane & Patti have very kindly agreed to look at all the Quick Visit WCCs and update them as needed. Patti, Scott Lemme & I built them a few months ago for all of us to try. We have been using them now for a bit & I am sure we have all found things that we think can be improved.
If you have suggestion on any of the WCC visits, please let Patti or Scott know. They will collect all of your thoughts and then get the updates cleared by the group. Once we have decided, as a group, how we want each visit to look, they will be rebuilt.
Please help with this important project.
Today Peggy suggested that the Teen PE defaults to "no scoliosis" on the exam. I have passed this great suggestion on to Scott & Patti. This is exactly what we need. Thank you Peggy!
Patient Plan
Dave Norton gave Annette a lot of good feedback on the Patient Plan. Based on that she was able to make a lot of modifications. Now it looks more streamlined! There are some things we can not fix because of Meaningful Use. Unfortunately because instructions were added to the My Plan orders section there is no way to not have them repeat under orders & then instructions. Nextgen strongly advised against deleting one of these ( orders or instructions) from the Patient Plan. I will continue to work on this.