Thursday, March 13, 2014

Office EHR - Odds & Ends

Some of you may have noted that not all of the instructions on My Plan are printing out on the document. This is my fault. I asked Annette to change something because I thought I could make it clearer  to order follow ups. The result was not what I expected, so I asked her to undo it. Alas, somehow undoing it broke the My Plan instructions, so now only the top 3 instructions are printing.

Anyway, we are aware of it. Annette has a call with the template person at Nextgen today & hopefully it will be fixed.

Update on check out: Most of the providers at OMN are using the check out process. The Check Out staff feel like it is going very well.  Lots of families have commented on liking the Patient Plan. We will try to get all of OMN up on check out soon,  We can then get rid of the orange paper flags.

We are starting to work on the logistics of Check Out in SHO. Sandie Martin will set up a training schedule with a number of staff in both offices to learn/cross train on Check Out. This should happen over the next month.

Remember, for MU2, patients have to get their Patient Plans within 1 day of their visit. MU1 gave us 3-4 days.

Annette has set up a "Check Out Task group". We are training the Check Out staff to check their tasks throughout the day. Having this task group will allow you to task them for things like; scheduling appointments for someone you just spoke to on the phone or such.

At Check Out patients are given the usual HPA sick note. If you wish for them to get a different note, such as; "please excuse Joey for 5 days", the preferred workflow is for you to write this note in the computer & generate it. Let the family know to ask the Check Out staff to look for the note. The note will be easily found in the right hand navigation bar. You do not need to print  the note yourself.

HPA & ENT Associates are planning to start a users (? support) group where interested providers & IT staff can work on Best Practices for EHR use. Also to work on MU2 and how to transfer data between practices.

PVIX will be coming to the office to discuss joining their local information exchange next week. Jackie & I will meet with them. This is the local HIE associated with BMC. If we join with them they will also connect us to the Mass HIway. Obviously we can only join once we know which EHR we will be using because an interface will need to be created. Will keep you posted.

Last update. Cindy Mover will have a phone conversation with us at 12:30 pm today to discuss what a conversion to a new EHR would involve. She is a Practice Consultant who helps clients do conversions. She has worked with us & with Nextgen. A few of the partners had thought it would be helpful to talk with somebody about what a conversion looks like. Please join us if you are able.

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